I Want to Try Raw Feeding: Week 1 - Pooch La La

I Want to Try Raw Feeding: Week 1

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Hey dog lovers! I hope your week is going well! Last week I talked about wanting to try raw feeding transitioning my dog to a raw diet. I decided I would try a raw feeding video guide I found on Youtube as well as read some books.
WELL… I watched week one of the videos and I panicked. I know that I can do it, but it is also daunting. I want to make sure I provide him with the right meats and pair it with the right fruits and vegetables. Can I even just jump straight into
feeding my dog raw? The short answer is yes, but slowly transitioning works best if you are intimidated by the process.

As I read the book, (because the videos were making me anxious) I realized that it would be easier to purchase from a company that already has the meals
unprepared (get it? unprepared.. because it’s RAW!) It was funnier when I said it in my mind. Anyway, I found a company that will send me the meals that are specific to my dog’s breed and weight. They also ask if there are any medical issues your dog is dealing with.

The company is awesome because they come highly rated and recommended.
They offer subscription services which is ideal if you are a dog parent on the go
and you don’t have much time to prepare raw meals for your dog or dogs. It is
inexpensive and informative. You can cancel at any time.

During this week of waiting for his food to arrive, I have been slowly removing
certain staples from his diet and monitoring how he behaves with his current diet.

  • I noticed his energy does appear to be low at times.
  • Dull coat/ fur
  • Plaque/ tartar build-up (even though I brush)
  • Mild constipation and some diarrhea
  • Can not complete two full laps at the park
  • Itchy skin
  • Picky about food

I am hoping to see a positive change in King after 2 weeks. That should a lot
enough time for the transition to take effect and see some mild improvements. I
am excited and nervous at the same time. I do hope he enjoys his new meals
because he can be worse than a New York restaurant critic.

Happy Dogs Make The World Go ‘Round

Looking for a place to shop for your best four legged friendly? Try https://

Missed last week’s blog? Check it out HERE
Stay tuned for next Wednesday’s blog at 12pm!

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